Filed under: Knit
I wanted it done in a day but that didn’t quite happen.
Meantime, Thursday, Richard was driving home from across the Bay when the Check Engine light came on. Nothing seemed wrong with the car otherwise as far as he could tell so he drove it home.
Which is how we found out our mechanic isn’t open on Fridays. We spent three days hoping hard that this would not be the time we would have to be trying to replace the ’07 Prius–not this year.
The cable to the battery was loose. They tightened it. They couldn’t find anything else and that did the job, and sent me off with, If it does it again bring it right back in here.
Somehow, the phrase ‘dodged a bullet’ came to mind and immediately got stomped on hard. No. No we didn’t. Come on.
Speaking of which, if you’d like to support Ukrainian knit designers without their having to ship you anything physically, this site lists several and I just bought several patterns. (I’d tried Ravelry’s ‘Advanced Search by country’ feature and had not found Ukraine listed, though it may well be now.) That gray hat that is the first thing that shows up in Blackbunny Fiber’s link stretches out on the head across its top into a sunflower per the Ravelry pictures. Perfect.
3 Comments so far
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Thanks for posting the link. I love the grey hat … guess I have some stash-diving to do! Wonder if I have anything yellow.
Comment by Anne 02.28.22 @ 11:24 pmThanks for that link – and everything it leads to.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 03.01.22 @ 8:25 amLeave a comment
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