If your grandmother was like my maternal grandmother, she had small, mostly round, decoratively molded soaps in her guest bathroom in soft pastel colors, heavily perfumed and slippery as heck in your hands, bouncing off and around the sink when you were trying to actually use them.
She would know if you had indeed washed your hands for dinner as she’d asked you to or if you’d tried to get away with skipping out on that step (not that I ever did.) While the scent interfered with your tasting your food.
And that is why I think of Gram every time I take one of my new heart med pills. It smells strongly, and tastes strongly, of good old-fashioned lavender soap. Why, for the life of me, I do not know. And you try to swallow it fast so it doesn’t leave that lingering soapy taste on your tongue.
Chocolate is the antidote.
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Wow, who thought that would be a good idea? Yuck. Chocolate to the rescue.
Comment by ccr in MA 01.08.22 @ 7:11 amWhat a great smell (in small doses) but what an awful taste.
Try holding your nose while you take the pill and get the first bite of chocolate in. Sounds silly, but it seems to help cancel the taste if you can’t smell it.
But for sure chocolate helps.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 01.08.22 @ 7:19 amHow odd! I second Chris’s hold-your-nose hint. It worked some back when mom made us drink Castor oil every Saturday morning when I was a kid. Chocolate would have been better than the piece of orange she gave us.
Comment by DebbieR 01.08.22 @ 10:04 amI got castor oil too, but they were like gelatin pills. Good grief – swallow fast, don’t chew. But they still made me burp and that was awful!!!
Somehow I think the piece of orange would not have mixed well?
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 01.08.22 @ 2:27 pmOh wait. It was cod liver oil.
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