Filed under: Life
I exercise every day, my weight is good, I eat lots of fruits and veggies and I get to feel like 62 sounds weirdly old for one more week.
Someday I’m going to want to look back and see which day was the day, and it was today, so sorry for this but here goes.
It has been surprising to me how well I’ve held up despite all that intense sleep deprivation I’ve mentioned the last few days; for years now, once you get past two or maybe three nights’ worth my autoimmunity starts to take off. Not this time. Yay.
I hoped really hard that that would hold.
You know where this is heading. Except that I didn’t at all.
This morning started with a small tachycardia episode. I waited a bit, then got up and was doing the usual when suddenly I had to lie down quick before I might faint, only, too bad for you no can do not till this is done (opening the Eakins seal fast.) Ileostomies are a tyrant.
I managed to hold off long enough to get all that done and then after about five minutes in bed, got up again, doing okay now, and re-started my day: watching the clock as it slowly slowly stretched towards 9 a.m. when that office opened, at the speed of a cat that you wish would do something.
The new crew showed up at the door to start the power washing and prep work. Their boss was supposed to stop by with paint chips for me to choose from but I had to say, Sorry, I’m out of here.
They got me right in.
The cardiologist asked me about that big episode: when was it? How long was it?
October. Eleven pm to 3 a.m. I described the symptoms.
His eyes got big. He’d had no idea, and it confirmed for me that I should have gone in right after rather than relying on messages with his nurse playing telephone. I mean, I did, to get the heart monitor he ordered, but I didn’t see him and it wasn’t enough.
And how is it going now?
Mostly okay but the occasional yow. Nothing like that, though.
And then for all the times I’ve wished he would tell it to me straight, that he would scare me when I need to be scared rather than soothing me when that makes it all the easier for me to blow off symptoms as no big deal when they really do need to be paid attention to, he gave it to me straight, in the most soothing and calming way one could ask for because that’s how he rolls.
He drew me a heart. He told me the med I take to raise my blood pressure slows the heart up here and here in the upper chambers. Where the problem is now is down here in the lower. He debated doubling my dose.
I reminded him he’d tried that once (and I wasn’t sure I was going to live through the day. It was that bad.)
Right, that doesn’t work. So, and then he told me about another patient of his my age who’d been on the same med and then gone through the same new symptoms and then had to have this other med too and she’s been on both for twenty years now and she’s doing great!
I noted that he was not telling me the side effects. I also noted that he had previously told me all the others had more side effects than the one I was on, but I did not mention that because hey, if you have to you have to and just be glad there’s something they can do about it.
So tonight I am to start the new med.
I asked about pacemakers, having long thought that like my grandfather and I think my uncle that that’s where I was eventually heading.
Oh, that wouldn’t address it at all, he told me: the next step–
(he totally, utterly blew my mind)
–is a bypass.
10 Comments so far
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Wishing you so much good luck with the new med. I hope it plays nice with the old med and you settle right down. And that you have a wonderful night of sleep in a dark room.
Don’t let the light-hearted tone fool you, I’m certainly going to be turning my heart toward you a lot in the coming days as we see how you adjust.
Comment by twinsetellen 12.06.21 @ 11:36 pmModern medicine has such amazing options now, even over 10 years ago.
Very glad you saw the cardiologist – and that he is so clear in his explanations.
Keep very well
Well, my goodness! He sounds like just who you want on your side; I hope the new med plays nicely and gives you what you need for now at least.
Comment by ccr in MA 12.07.21 @ 7:14 amOh goodness! That’s a twist in your story I wasn’t expecting. Joining your cheering section to wish hard that the new med does the job easily. And so hoping for no side effects of course. I’m so grateful you got in to see him yesterday, he sounds terrific. I hope today is just knitting and paint color fun.
Comment by DebbieR 12.07.21 @ 8:18 amWhen the meds play together nicely it’s like magic. Fingers crossed for you!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 12.07.21 @ 8:47 amYikes! That’s scary! Glad the light is now off so you can get the rest you (and your heart!) need. Here’s hoping the new med helps, and doesn’t have too many side effects to bother you.
Comment by Pegi F 12.07.21 @ 9:27 amI am rooting for you. This sounds so scary. Glad you got right in to see the doctor. Take care!
Comment by Joanne 12.07.21 @ 9:38 amAm not a doctor, but I require blood pressure raises, and just in case there are options that your doctor hasn’t thought of (I am on an *extraordinarily* weird one) and which might also work for your condition (this is iffy, since I don’t know of any direct heart effects for any of the three I’ve tried), maybe email me if you want? But not if you don’t want, for behold, medical advice from a medical amateur: not necessarily of any value whatsoever.
Comment by KC 12.07.21 @ 10:24 amI hope it works!
Comment by LauraN 12.07.21 @ 11:22 amOh!
Comment by Afton 12.07.21 @ 12:23 pmLeave a comment
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