Filed under: Life
It rained hard yesterday and early this morning, it’s going to rain hard tomorrow and then hopefully/probably all week next week (we need every atmospheric river, creek, and meandering little stream we can get) so after a late start, today was an all hands on deck day. The painters–let me just say here that they are heroes, they were willing to reach into the 4″ space between a towering spiky prickly holly bush and the house to do the job right–told me they want to be done by Saturday and were disappointed the windows weren’t replaced yet nor that piece of siding because they couldn’t do those parts till they are.
While I thought, well, but you were here all last week and you knew the other crew wasn’t while they waited for the parts. And that the problem with yesterday was that it rained cats and dogs.
Half-literally: with the help of the mud for the digging I looked up at one point to see the neighbor’s new dog romping in my yard, thrilled to explore new space (happy birthday to you too!) and then suddenly stopping to stare at me, like, Wait. You’re not my owner. This isn’t my house?! He raced around back to the other side. I stepped out the door over there now. It IS that lady’s house! And he scrambled over to the newly-enlarged gap we’ve been talking about getting fixed and back to his side of the fence.
Just as well there weren’t any open paint cans or precariously-leaned glass yesterday. So many opportunities missed. Right?
The siding is done. So are half the skylights. No on the windows, sorry.
I walked around to admire the work after they’d all left in the late afternoon and went, Wait. They left the stickers on??
It seems to me there are two types of glue: the type that dissolves right away if water touches it. And the type that immediately pitbull-jaws onto whatever it’s stuck to. And those are at roof level.
I don’t expect anybody to show up tomorrow, but the rain will.
And that is actually quite a lovely thing to be able to say after the extremity of the drought.
The doorbell rang at one point. The guy came in to make sure the skylight with the inner screen in the kitchen was squared up from the inside as well as out, and asked me, How does it open?
I grabbed the extender thingy that reaches way up and hooks onto the bottom of it so you can crank it open or shut when you’re trying to avoid the smoke alarm going off.
No, no, he meant which side do I want it to open from?
I guess this side like it was so the water doesn’t come in when you open it, except that you wouldn’t open it if it were raining anyway so I don’t think it matters except that we’re used to it being this way.
Great. That way it is.
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