It was the last of that jug of milk–it tasted off. I tossed it out, sorry I’d swallowed a swallow and hoping I wouldn’t get sick from it; at least it had been early in that process. I opened a new one.
It was the same.
I wondered if it was the brand/the cow/the feed or what and did those two come from the same place?
Today was the same, only something else tasted not quite how I expected and it hit me with a clue-by-four.
Propafenone HCL side effects, I googled, not sure I wanted to, sure I would find out things I didn’t want to know but I’m one who has to know anyway, so, yeah.
Black box warning? Not my first such. No grapefruit with it? I am definitely not going to cry, although I will miss lime added to things because lime has a lesser amount of the same substance in grapefruit that interacts with various meds. Oh wait that probably means I can’t try my ripening tiny Page tangerines: they’re a quarter grapefruit.
But what I also read is that for people with structural heart damage, the drug is more dangerous, and for people with supraventricular tachycardia, it seems to be definitely less so–and starting it early on in the disease before the muscle weakens is a good thing. (Ya think?) This is all according to Dr. Google, so take it with however much salt you like in your dish.
I had not realized how often how off the beaten track my heart had started to be. The improvement is a welcome relief.
Oh, and, re the knitting: does this kind of sort of look like a spinning dreidel to anyone else?
7 Comments so far
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Well, if the drug is helping, the side effects are worth it, for sure!
I was once on a migraine med and only when I googled for the side effects a month or two after starting it did I learn that a number of people complained that soda tasted flat and metallic to them. Oh, so that’s why! I hadn’t put it together with the new med, and was confused that my Coke tasted funny. The neurologist was mildly scornful, but hey, I’m not the only one, I’m not making this up.
Comment by ccr in MA 12.10.21 @ 9:45 amTotally see the spinning dreidel, beautiful color, too! Sorry your taste buds are a bit freaked out with the new med, maybe they’ll get used to it? Hoping it does what your body needs it to do, and that MD allows a taste of your Page tangerines.
Comment by DebbieR 12.10.21 @ 10:48 amMy neuro warned me about that with my migraine meds! Well know side effects. I Think it makes it taste like mud personally.
As for the dreidel at least it isn’t made out of clay.
(Bad pun day)
Comment by Afton 12.10.21 @ 4:47 pmYes on dreidel, now that you point it out. Sorry about the weird taste effects. Now if you caught COVID, you would know how bad things tasted . . .
Life sure is confusing.
Comment by LauraN 12.10.21 @ 5:15 pmI wonder how truly spoiled milk tastes to you. Dare you to try the experiment! 😉
Sorry about the tangerines.
Comment by twinsetellen 12.10.21 @ 5:32 pmMaybe call pharmacy to double-check about range of citrus and this medication?
I had heard of one type that only excluded grapefruit, not other citrus varieties.
Fingers crossed on tangerines.
Oh dear. Now keep in mind I’m in Canada, so there could be some salt involved here too, – but – many of our medications come with those types of warnings stickered right on the meds bottle. Foods to avoid, take before food, with food, after food, etc etc etc. And often there is a printed page that comes with all kinds of extra info about side effects that are more or less common.
The big guy’s pharmacist is wonderful about watching meds and has even called the doc to check on things like that before issuing the scrip. We are grateful to have him.
Good luck with the meds and the tangerines.
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