Tuesday November 30th 2021, 10:20 pm
Filed under: Knitting a Gift
Filed under: Knitting a Gift
The guy who chose the bright purple hat was the only one who was not here yesterday, but then the only one who was today. So I got a chance to ask him in private: did you pick that color to make someone else happy? And can I have you pick one for you?
His daughter, yes, and, YES!
So he got the Prussian Blue that had just come off my needles (bypassing its camera moment altogether.) I told him, Now to be fair, the others need to pick one for someone they love, too, and his face lit up in happy anticipation for their sakes as he told me he’d let them know.
2 Comments so far
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Now I’m smiling too!
Thank you for being a continued source of inspiration.
Comment by Suzanne 12.01.21 @ 8:24 amGenerosity, all around.
Comment by twinsetellen 12.01.21 @ 9:18 pmLeave a comment
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