We have a friend who lived here for a few years while doing very expensive work on a very rich man’s house in the hills, carefully never named (but at one point one mutual friend was pretty sure he’d figured it out); Troy’s a seventh-generation stone mason in the age-old European tradition of such. He does very careful, very exacting work. You want your 11th century castle restored? You call someone like him for that part.
He has since moved home to Montana.
But I instantly thought of him when my cousin pointed out this listing. Or at least at first.
Thirty-five million (down ten!) and they couldn’t keep the cats from playing a game of chase under the quilt on the badly made bed. Unless that’s a teenager who overslept going oh (bleep)! that the cameraman had arrived and pulling the pillow down over his face. Gotta love how the blanket beneath is throwing a wrench at the system.
Something about that wood floor entry makes me want to go bake a hazelnut torte.
The kitchen: as my cousin put it, Why is there a giant pepper mill holding it up?
Googling the Latin phrase built into the floor, it comes to “Ferocity in Heaven”–huh?–with–what are those? Sheep in wolves’ clothing?
Does Tutankhamen stay?
And was the whole thing supposed to be a set for a Monty Python reunion?
4 Comments so far
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WOW! And 35 million dollars, plus a few million for the taxes, wow again. I do wonder if all the STUFF is included.
Only a 3-car garage? With 10 bedrooms?
I had to laugh at “Architectural style: Other” too; you think?
Comment by ccr in MA 11.08.21 @ 9:21 amI’m going with the Monty Python reunion theme.
I don’t know anyone who would want to live there. Just kinda weird through and through.
Although it looks like there’s a fake moat. I always thought a moat would be cool.
I keep thinking “Beauty and the Beast”. I’ve got Belle’s song about reading going through my head. lol
Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 11.08.21 @ 2:56 pmIt’s the Chris Mark Castle: https://www.chrismarkcastle.com/
Local news report:
Apparently it was featured in a Hallmark Holiday Movie: https://www.chrismarkcastle.com/post/one-royal-holiday-at-the-chris-mark-castle
Comment by Margo Lynn 11.16.21 @ 12:51 pmLeave a comment
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