Yesterday, it seemed like one of the crew by the end of the day was tired and grumpy, and I expressed concern; was everyone okay.
Maybe he’d just needed someone to notice and have it matter to them, because today they clearly were. I heard laughing between them again and again, enjoying this fine day and each other’s company as they worked.
There’s a skylight in the hallway that they decided to do first, before any more rain might happen to it.
It was a mess. The guy who put it in (we found out later) had only nailed things in on three sides. After a tree fell on our house, a roofing crew sent out to repair that damage happened to notice that right behind them was this spot where it was funny when you step–and one of them started playing see-saw with our skylight while the others laughed, not seeing me standing below shouting upwards, STOP IT!!! at them. I was so mad.
That contractor refused to pay the $600 it cost to repair that, blaming the guy who’d done it wrong in the first place. The guy who tried to fix it repainted below with whatever shade he thought would match. It didn’t.
So of course that’s the skylight that leaked after that. The boards it was resting on rotted out.
It took the men quite awhile to get all that out of there today, complicated by being sealed to the foam roof and the fact that there was a fluorescent tube light on top of the beam that ran down the center below the skylight that had to be rewired and reinstalled.
And so for several hours today there was no skylight down the hall, just a face or two nodding hello against the open sky if you came past.
Karo, check. Butter, check. Cranberries? Toss the first bag, the second thankfully was fine.
I started baking cranberry pie bars.
As the oven started smelling wonderful as the cookie crust stage baked, I suddenly noticed the change.
Someone was a little hungry and probably a little tired and all this wonderfulness that certainly wasn’t going to be for him–all he was going to get to do was wish and be tormented. He started sounding grumpy again.
He didn’t know me very well, did he?
He caught himself and cheered up a bit while I was silently telling that pan to hurry up.
You’re supposed to let them cool all the way and even chill if possible before cutting them. I had the kitchen slider open to the 61F out there and after half an hour put the pan on a metal cookie sheet to help with the hurry; their day was winding down and I didn’t want to miss them after all that. Finally at about the hour mark I pronounced it good enough, sliced, mushed the topping a little–eh–and set half a dozen very crisp-bottomed cookies on each of two sturdy paper plates till there was no room for more, covered them with a little plastic wrap so the men could take them home, and went outside to make sure both their vehicles were still there.
The first guy’s face lit up.
He walked halfway down the outside of the house and called up towards the roof and the second guy, the one who’d sounded grumpy at smelling those wonderful smells, suddenly hoisted himself over the edge and down the ladder with his face all but shouting YESSSS!!!!! after seeing the outstretched plate in the other guy’s hands. He was almost giddy.
“These are so good. SO good!”
They are, and that’s why I so seldom make them. I need to have someone around to protect us from them.
I don’t think any of theirs made it past our driveway.
(On a side note: pouring liquid into an oven-hot glass pan is how you shatter such pans. I realized a moment late that I’d chosen the wrong type, so I pushed the crust high up the sides so that no egg mixture would directly touch the glass when I poured it onto the hot crust. It was still probably a near thing. Just mentioning.)
1 Comment so far
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The cascading nature of this project, whew! Yes, I would say some thanks to the workers, in literal knit-and-bake mode, would be much appreciated.
Comment by ccr in MA 11.19.21 @ 2:15 pmLeave a comment
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