We got our Moderna boosters yesterday (yay!) and figured today was going to be a day for taking it real easy.
I haven’t much minded the desert cottontail in the garden–as long as there was only one. Which had been the case. Yeah it seems to like pomegranates, though I’ve never quite caught it actually eating one, just, the lower ones have mostly disappeared and I’ve seen it by that tree; as long as it didn’t figure out how to get to my netting-protected mangoes we’re good.
And then I went into the kitchen. The dishwasher was flashing an error code. Not working.
He’ll get to it tomorrow. Today was just not the day. Yay for there still being Zoom church, that, we could manage, and then we crashed.
2 Comments so far
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Is that two bunnies? Uh oh.
Yay for boosters, and for taking it easy.
Comment by ccr in MA 11.01.21 @ 5:24 amThere is NEVER just one rabbit! They’re rabbits. And they eat EVERYTHING!!!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 11.01.21 @ 5:26 amLeave a comment
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