This is long and meandering but it’s late and I don’t have time to edit it.
My cousin Virginia cut her beautiful shoulder-length hair very short and posted pictures on Facebook and got lots of compliments over her new look.
And then she quietly sent out a note to her cousins that she’d had cancer nine years ago, had long since beaten it… and the haircut was to make it seem less abrupt when it starts falling out again.
All those hats knitted as carry-around projects, a moment here, a row there, they were ready.
She said she had a blue one from me from years ago but yes, she’d like a soft white one, very much, thank you.
And so today, I–
Waited till 3 pm. On the nose at the two week mark, off with the heart monitor and into its box to ship back to its manufacturer so they can report to my cardiologist. My skin had a fierce enough reaction to the adhesive that I’m amazed it stayed on. I hope I don’t have to do that again for awhile.
So that got mailed and the white hat, and also one in purples and another in greens. She hadn’t wanted to ask for too much. I had wanted to give her all.the.hats. I compromised.
Andy’s dried slab Blenheim apricots in another box for my mom, the ones picked so ripe they go smush when cut. The best.
And a warm winter outfit to my niece’s baby girl.
But before I headed out for the post office, one last note on the diary notebook to return with the monitor: yes I pushed the button at 3 a.m. this morning but, um, ignore that. I was asleep. Pushing it woke me up that wait, I did what? No. Nothing to see there. I was dreaming.
If only we could solve all health problems that easily.
And then at the end of the day, finally, I knit and got past the tree.
And then said, But what I really want is to go make a batch of chocolate, darn it. We’re out, and the pre-pandemic Trader Joe’s bar doesn’t count.
Wild Bolivian Mix, in the melanger now.
I said to Richard, I calculated wrong so I didn’t put in all the sugar I measured and now I don’t know how much I did and is this sweet enough?
He took a taste and considered thoughtfully: it was good, and yet, “Seems a little too sweet to me.”
And it’s not enough to me, even though I like mine quite dark. Good. Right in between. That means we hit the sweet spot.
2 Comments so far
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It’s been 2 wks already??? The one like you had tore up my chest too! The current one is implanted under the skin…for long term. 🙁
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 10.23.21 @ 6:30 amSo sorry to hear about your cousin…best wishes for another win.
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 10.24.21 @ 5:57 amLeave a comment
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