The eye department couldn’t fit me in all on the same day for all the testing they wanted to do in answer to my query Monday, so after going yesterday I came back today to see just the technician for that last test.
There was the standard question yesterday of, do you have any new allergies.
Dr. S. mentioned by way of reassurance that he’d gotten that same fiery red rash from that brand of heart monitor, but it had faded away after a few days.
We were having a mutually surprised moment: you needed one, too? (How could you be old enough..! Answer: we’re sort of not. But him even less so, and I at least have lupus as an excuse.)
He was fine, he assured me, they were just checking.
He was quite delighted with the homegrown pomegranate. “Look how BIG it is! I love pomegranates!”
Coming through the door on my return home this afternoon, the answering machine was just finishing up.
It was Dr. S.
He had gone over that visual field test’s results. (Immediately, clearly, rather than waiting till the end of the day to get around to the paperwork. He’d wanted me to know right away.) It had taken a little more energy for me to see the flashes on one side, he said, consistent with the optic nerve having been narrowed by what appeared about 25 years ago to be optic neuritis. It had changed since last time, but only a little. From all he could see, there was nothing to worry about–but come right in if anything changes or you have concerns.
And then his voice sounded more emotional than perhaps he’d intended. “I’ll see you in a year. Come back in a year. Thanks.”
A promise that he would be here and that surely I must as well.
I felt that.
I appreciated that, and wished he had held off two more minutes to call so that I could have gotten off the freeway and grabbed that phone in time to say, and you, too. All the best.
To life!
3 Comments so far
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Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 10.28.21 @ 6:10 amWhew! And such a caring doctor is a real gift. So happy for you.
Comment by DebbieR 10.28.21 @ 6:35 amLeave a comment
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