I was most of the way there before the seven and a half miles of stop-and-go between here and Morgan Hill. A platform tow truck went speeding by on the shoulder. By the time I got to the damaged bus on the left, whatever the truck had come for was long gone but the cops and firemen were hands on hips at the scene.
Made it to Andy’s.
They told me people celebrating the holiday had picked his shelves clean of peaches two hours before, meaning they must have been there right when he opened, but when one can get green gauge plums and his nectarines one really cannot complain. And his slab Blenheims! Best dried apricots ever.
Turning off his road at the T on the way back, there was a wide straight length with no side streets and nobody around but me.
Along with a magnificent red-shouldered hawk on the light pole above, guarding the far edges of Andy’s trees.
I double checked in case anyone had turned back there, nope, and then simply stopped to observe for a moment. I never do that. But there was nobody, and a great deal of room to go around me: a road built for development that hasn’t happened yet. (And yes that breaks my heart. I want that farm to stay so bad.)
The hawk turned in no particular hurry and looked back over its shoulder down below at me with a bird’s best impression of a cocked eyebrow, like, Uh, okay? Tell me what’s so interesting here?
But at that, someone did turn onto the road back there a ways and I nodded good day to it and moved on.
On the freeway, two identical privately owned buses now, moving stranded passengers over.
Came home, crashed a moment (wait. That might not be the best word today), ate a bite, revived–and, looking at the calendar and the idea of not being able to get that project off the ground before Tuesday, got back in the car and headed north this time. Cottage Yarns in South San Francisco. And yes Katherine does mail order. She recently got a big shipment of Malabrigo everything and is well stocked, but says they warned her that with the pandemic it could be months before they could get big shipments out again.
The great wool apocalypse that knitters tease each other about? This right now is what a good stash has been for all along.
And mine was lacking in that particular washable version.
Now, at long last, I think I have enough Mecha colors and enough variations on those colors to knit what my eyes need to make it come to be.
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Knitters with stashes, be ready, our time is coming!
Comment by ccr in MA 09.05.21 @ 4:21 pmLeave a comment
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