You play the hand you’re Delta
Saturday July 31st 2021, 9:44 pm
Filed under: Friends,Garden,Life

(Three feet.)

I drove through smoky skies yesterday, so much so that approaching the airport I could barely see the plane in the air much less make out whose it was by the coloring. When the sun glinted off it was when I was sure it was there.

At about that point on the way home, I was suddenly sneezing. This is not something you want to do at freeway speed and I got in the far right lane and tried to keep it as suppressed as possible, but it was one after another after another. I got home, got inside, it calmed down–and then my nose suddenly gushed.

For hours.

I just didn’t get it. I was perfectly healthy at noon.

By the time I went to bed it was just a bit of sniffle, so, yay for that, at least.

In the morning I was still stuffed up and so I reluctantly called dear friends whom we were going to be celebrating a birthday with tonight and bowed out. I was quite sorry but you never know. It was just not worth the risk nor the worry. Richard got to go, he’s fine, and Phyl got her peaches, at least.

Was it the smoke? Was it something that had been in someone’s house whose ashes made my lungs go nuts? Was I actually exposed to covid and had a short cloudburst of it? I’ll never know, but I’m almost over it already. Which makes me think it was either the smoke or my immune system yelling, Hey, I know you, get out of here! Because colds don’t do one-day stands.

I’m still going to do Zoom church in the morning. Friends don’t put friends at risk.

3 Comments so far
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Better safe than sorry. Hope it was just a reaction to particles in the smokey air.

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 08.01.21 @ 6:41 am

Hoping it was just an allergic reaction and your body has thrown it off completely by today. I’m sorry you had to miss the party.

Comment by DebbieR 08.01.21 @ 9:05 am

Yes, better safe than sorry!

Comment by ccr in MA 08.02.21 @ 6:20 am

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