Filed under: Life
Trying to prepare for the termite guys. Trying to remember where each spot was that they are going to have to be able to reach and realizing with a bit of alarm the scope of what that means. Is emptying the top two layers of shelves in the pantry enough? We’ve never done this before. If we’re supposed to move furniture, it’s not going anywhere, not with our backs.
Richard got the camping gear out of our son’s old bedroom closet–they have to be able to get at that ceiling, too. Can’t move it in the garage in case they want to work in there. Where’s their chart?
The family room has no termites. Suddenly it has a lot of stuff.
We have too much stuff.
Maybe after this we’ll have a lot less. The only reason we’d ever need that camping tent again is if we had another big earthqua—
Oh. Right.
Okay, it stays.
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Yeah, best to keep that, then! But this is a good opportunity to assess what you have and why.
Comment by ccr in MA 07.27.21 @ 5:31 amLeave a comment
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