Thursday July 08th 2021, 10:18 pm
Filed under: Family
Filed under: Family
There’s a warning out that the Pacific Northwest is about to have another extreme heat wave.
Eve the (formerly) super fluffy longhaired grandcat is ready for that one, too. Continuing chin scritches welcomed.
(p.s. That 5.9 quake on the CA/Nevada border today? Didn’t feel a thing. With the Californian in me wanting to add, …Yet…)
3 Comments so far
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Welcome home! How delightful to get to visit with your family! That earthquake was a brief, gentle roll up here, enough to set a wind chime going, and a hanging basket swaying.
Comment by DebbieR 07.09.21 @ 6:42 amCool indeed if he got a haircut!
How did the sneakers work out? Did you find a mud puddles to test them in?
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 07.09.21 @ 10:20 amLeave a comment
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