Not phoning it in
Friday May 14th 2021, 10:32 pm
Filed under: Life

I want to show you the thick Meyer lemon flowers, white on the inside, purple on the outside, quite pretty, blooming in front of a rather large lemon that was waiting for us to hurry up and finally pick it. Citrus takes about a year from early bud to ripe fruit.

But my phone is now on strike entirely and not sending any photos, even after two days. (Michelle took the orange juicing photos.)

The audiologist told me Tuesday that the new hearing aids would bluetooth directly from an iPhone. Which is a huge improvement over having to wear a gray electronic pendant from your neck that freaked out the TSA and was heavy enough to hurt with a connective tissue disease, and it flipped the phone signals from ear to ear with a rubber-ball-bouncey twang instead of going straight to both ears, so I rarely rarely used it. They had not filtered out electronic interference on the first model, as far as I could tell.

Does that depend on how old the iPhone is? I asked her, because mine’s a 6s.

She winced and said she wasn’t sure.

Like the hearing aids, it’s failing anyway and I guess I really should replace it.

Except–we now have a termite guy coming, and if anyone has any experience with such, please tell me because I have no experience and no idea.

I’d show you why I called him, but…

4 Comments so far
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The lemon pic will be worth waiting for. The other maybe not so much.

How about friends from church – any way to send out a request? Someone might know someone who has some helpful info. Good luck with that.

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 05.15.21 @ 6:24 am

If your termite guy is competent, he’ll take care of the problem and spray for any future problems. We lived in the woods in Maryland, you remember. We had a termite company which took very good care of us. Mom

Comment by mom 05.15.21 @ 9:46 am

Yes at least older models of Oticon can send calls, messages etc to an phone 6S
My mother has a 6S and she installed the Oticon app (but has not really used it). That was in 2019 I think.

I was surprised that the Oticon app is only for iphones the last time i checked.

here is a link–opn-pairing-sheet-handout-pads.pdf

Comment by Lisa RR 05.16.21 @ 5:41 am

Sorry about the termites, but hooray for the advanced ear tech!

Comment by ccr in MA 05.16.21 @ 6:38 pm

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