Filed under: Family
Our daughter was asking if we had any close members of the family who’d served. My dad in WWII, of course.
Richard mentioned some in his family.
I told her there was a member of the family (I’d have to check with Mom to make sure I got the right name) who had served in WW1: as a pilot.
She did a double take. Oh. A lot of those did not do well.
He did not.
My grandmother wrote her autobiography when I was ten years old, and the story she told about an officer talking to her son in the Army–was Richard’s great uncle.
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My grandpa served in WWI in an engineering corps. My other grandfather went to Germany after WWII before the Marshall Plan was introduced.
I missed out on a lot of stories because people lived so far away from us.
Comment by Anne 05.31.21 @ 11:43 pmMy father served in WWII, Royal Canadian Dragoons.
He did not tell many stories, most of them did not say much at all. Perhaps only to each other.
He shared a few things with me not long before he died. It was hard to listen and to watch him cry.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 06.01.21 @ 6:51 amThe cousin who served as a pilot was in WWII. He was shot down and killed during the Korean war. This was Truman Madsen’s older brother. Mom
Comment by Mom 06.01.21 @ 7:07 amLeave a comment
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