Filed under: Wildlife
Re the flare: today was the good day I was wishing for during the last several, and thank you, everybody.
Meantime, San Francisco got its first peregrine fledge today (his closeup is here), and then the second.
Having lived all his life till that point in a protected, shaded, thirty-third floor spot, Cade, named after the late founder of the Peregrine Fund, found himself on the skyscraper across the street with the wind trying to blow the last of his baby fluff off and–turning his head: Wait, what’s that? He bounded down the granite after it.
He was chasing his shadow, just like every little kid ever born. It was adorable.
Well, that wasn’t working, and he turned back to his corner perch to figure out when it would be safe to open those wings wide again, because, bird, it’s windy out here.
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good day is good news.
Comment by Sharon Stanger 05.20.21 @ 7:08 pmLeave a comment
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