Happy Birthday!
Thursday April 15th 2021, 10:28 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

One of my kids got their second shot for their birthday and our first iris bloomed in celebration. It’s a happy day.

Meantime, I’d procrastinated because they’re not due this year for another month: did anybody else feel like this? It was weirdly comforting to do the taxes. It made no sense. But it was all so familiar after all these years and I guess it felt like the old life back again. Or something. Am I just being pandemically weird?

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Nice one, iris! Way to celebrate!

I don’t do my own taxes, so I don’t know the feeling you describe, but it makes sense to me.

Comment by ccr in MA 04.16.21 @ 5:36 am

We are fully vaccinated and so is my daughter and her family…so it has felt soooooooo “back to normal” to be able to get together, maskless, indoors, and hug and touch each other after this long year of deprivation!!!!!! I’m in heaven!

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 04.16.21 @ 6:37 am

Just getting the dang taxes done and out of the way is a big relief.

As a friend of mine says, “I don’t mind paying my taxes, it’s doing the homework for them that gets me.”

Comment by Lisa 04.16.21 @ 10:02 am

I like Lisa’s friend about doing the ‘homework’. We have them done by a tax company, same lady each year and it is good to have it out of the way, even if there is more time. No need to delay if we don’t need to delay.

Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 04.16.21 @ 4:53 pm

Last year I took full advantage of the delayed filing date, but this year I was done in February (earliest ever for me). And yes, it was weirdly comforting to do them!

Comment by Nancy G 04.21.21 @ 12:05 pm

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