Filed under: Garden
The apricots in pots, the short, five-branched one and the tall–which, although the leaves kept growing bigger, had stopped producing new ones until its roots could likewise grow more to support them. So, you know, you’re planted now, hurry up!
I’ll move them into bigger pots next winter. Gotta start somewhere.
And then there’s the one from last year. I overwatered it one particular week last summer and it suffered and stopped growing. Totally my fault; I kept giving it as much when the weather turned cool as I’d been doing in the high 90s. Apricots do not like soaking their feet.
During the winter the top and a side branch appeared to have died off so I pruned it, little though it was, and hoped it might survive.
Note the pretty, glossy Costco pot I bought for it turned out to have had a red coat of paint slapped on top of plain plastic but which shredded off almost from the first time water touched it. Not cool. But so 2020.
Anyway, that Anya is only just now waking up for the season: those leaves at the top started to appear yesterday. But it was very much to my relief that it did wake up. I didn’t kill it after all!
Not to mention, I really want to be that extra year ahead. I want to begin to find out what we’ll get with these.
It always amazes me when a plant manages to recover from its deathplantbed and just keep right on going after all.
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Yeah…mine never do…recover that is. 🙁
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 04.06.21 @ 6:45 amOver here, I’ve got the first sprout up from one of the kernels today!
Comment by KC 04.06.21 @ 1:16 pmLeave a comment
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