Seven miles instead of 75. It delays his being fully vaccinated by five days, but still. I conferred with him and then grabbed it. I also immediately canceled the original. The site said Sutter would offer it as a first shot to someone else and asked that that be made possible as soon as we could, which was only reasonable.
Immediately after I finished that up, the doorbell rang: my friend Constance, who lives hours away these days (there’s a shawl in my book named after her.) She had been in the area on a work assignment and was stopping by on her long drive home.
We ended up on chairs in the shed. It was trash day but for obvious reasons I had not put the bin back right away. This gave us a spot that was outside, as one should in a pandemic, under a ceiling-height roof and with sides, as my lupus needs to be out of the sun, and it was perfect enough of a spot for visiting that I wondered why I hadn’t thought of that a whole lot sooner. Anyway. We had a lot of catching up to do after not seeing each other in person for too many years.
And then I sent her home with a 5 gallon fiber pot full of new topsoil and peat moss and a baby Anya apricot tree to put in it, kind of a grow kit. Just add water. After you get it back out of your car.
And on a totally different note. My late father, a modern art dealer, would absolutely have howled. Sometimes the art world can get a bit precious, and that poor innocent couple who picked up a brush from somewhere in the spilled paint on the floor and scatterings of paint cans and such in front of the mural and added their touch to what they thought was a public-invited graffiti project, well…wouldn’t you?
(When in doubt read the little white box on the wall next to the art in the gallery, but never mind.)
5 Comments so far
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What a great way to get to see your friend!
I don’t think I would have picked up a brush in a gallery. But maybe. If it was in the street I would not have been able to resist the temptation. Perhaps roping it off or having a larger sign would have helped. Oh dear.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 04.08.21 @ 7:28 amHow nice to get that visit! And to disperse your apricot happily.
Comment by ccr in MA 04.08.21 @ 7:35 amSome common sense was needed (and is needed) in that art story – common sense of the artist/gallery in seeing open paint cans and brushes as an invitation, common sense in the couple to double-check that participation was welcome, and common sense in the reactions – all the accusations of “ruining” the piece are a bit extreme and certainly aren’t shared by everyone.
Oh, wait, common sense is in short supply these days. Never mind!
Comment by twinsetellen 04.08.21 @ 11:52 amAs my dad used to say “common sense is less common than you might think”.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 04.08.21 @ 6:02 pmI can understand the artist being upset, although I really had to compare photos to find the ‘damage’. But I also think the place was ‘asking for it’ by leaving the paint and cans in place. I would have thought it was an interactive piece.
Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 04.10.21 @ 10:27 amLeave a comment
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