Filed under: Life
More apple flowers, because the day around here wasn’t about much more than watching the plants grow. But they are pretty.
I woke up with the thought that next week, I get my second jab, and two weeks after that I get to actually go out and do things! Like, y’know, go to Trader Joe’s and see what all the new stuff is now! The three-ingredient chocolate mints. I miss them. Go to yarn stores! Or get an almond pastry at Copenhagen Bakery. Or or or.
Letting that longing come unleashed became a little too much fairly quickly, not helped in the least by the news of the day in Minneapolis, so I quietly put all that aside and went and immersed myself in laundry and the like around the house. It always needs to be done anyway. Keep busy. Breathe deep.
With a whole lot of praying for a whole lot of people out there. There is so much we have to make so much better.
So glad that at least the guy in his Army uniform in Virginia survived his encounter with racist cops, but it was a near thing.
4 Comments so far
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We get our second jabs Apr 13th. And yes, we are excited. Can’t wait to go down the street and hug my elderly neighbor! (She’s been vaccinated for about a month now.)
Comment by Anne 04.13.21 @ 12:56 amWhen one takes a really wide-eyed look at what’s going on out there…one wonders…what’s the hurry? 🙁
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 04.13.21 @ 5:53 amYes: the story from Minneapolis is so upsetting, as well as another school shooting, and some days I just can’t face it. But I too am excited for getting my second shot and being able to go out without such high worry levels.
Comment by ccr in MA 04.13.21 @ 6:19 amSecond needle Thursday and unless I have a reaction, will swim Friday.
Comment by Sharon Stanger 04.13.21 @ 12:49 pmLeave a comment
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