A five hour tour
Thursday April 01st 2021, 10:17 pm
Filed under: Family,History

Whoah! Suddenly there were green boxes. All in the same two places. Did we want to go (I looked them up) 317 miles round trip or 146? We actually finally had choices, but only at those two.

Was this a trick question?

Wait. Maybe it kind of was. On 24 hours’ notice, too. I asked him if he was serious and I looked up distances and I basically twiddled my fingers a few minutes to let anybody closer snatch all those slots in Antioch. The 7:30 one did vanish, but none of the others.

We had had appointment slots get claimed while we did the required repeated hoop-jumping so many times.

A few years ago, Sutter Health scooped up our formerly independent medical clinic in a trend of providers consolidating to lower their administrative costs and fight insurance companies.

Well, there’s finally an upside for us: Sutter lets their patients schedule a covid vaccine at any of their facilities they’re willing to get to. The drugstores go by the county you live in. Sutter goes by Sutter.

He’d been okayed by his doctor a week ago, who was surprised that that hadn’t happened yet, and both of us have been looking multiple times a day every day since. With everyone 50 on up eligible as of today, and everyone over 16 in two weeks, and the medical officer of our more-populous county having sued the state in a fit over the fine points of the law re distribution, ending with us being dead last to receive vaccines, (gee thanks) all the sites said three months and we figured that’s just how it was going to probably end up being.

Green boxes! Tomorrow! When the screen said Confirmed Appointment I nearly burst into tears for sheer disbelief and gratitude.

Road trip road trip!

He couldn’t change his schedule at work that fast and had to be in meetings concentrating in the noisy environment, so that meant me at the wheel and, as is normal for me, not hearing the GPS. His co-workers on the phone were cheering him on. The traffic was relentless. Google said 75 minutes to three hours; it was nearly the latter (so much for the idea that nobody’s commuting by car right now), but we tried for a good hour early just in case which got whittled down greatly but not quite entirely. We made it. We were good. The staff said of course I could use the restroom!

A stop at an In’N’Out drive-through for burgers to minimize contact, eating in their parking lot (which also meant we didn’t have to drive into the sunset); he spelled me at the wheel for the long road home.

He got. His shot. He got it! Moderna. Four weeks till the second. Neither of us wants to make that trek again but the appointment’s on the books and his if he wants it and if we have to we will in a heartbeat. We want to see our grandkids! And we so want not to get nor give Covid-19 to anyone.

As we rounded the bottom of the San Francisco Bay on the return, I mused out loud that, if we’d ever driven alongside what looked like the end (it wasn’t quite) of the Suisun Bay before, I couldn’t remember it at all.

He couldn’t either; maybe on our way to Yellowstone when the kids were little? Maybe?

So strange to see a whole beautiful wide Bay–that wasn’t ours and whose contours we did not really know. But it welcomed us anyway, and we are grateful.

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My second dose (and hubby’s) is in less than 2 weeks. We’re thinking about a road trip this summer … to Yellowstone (-:

When we’re both vaccinated, I’ll pop by for a hug and an apricot seedling!

Comment by Anne 04.01.21 @ 11:31 pm

Yay! How wonderful! Well worth the road trip.

Comment by ccr in MA 04.02.21 @ 5:35 am

So happy for you!!! Hugging the grands is well worth the effort!

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 04.02.21 @ 6:20 am

Hooray! So happy for you both!

Comment by DebbieR 04.02.21 @ 6:50 am

Oh that is such wonderful news!

I hope to join the line soon. It appears it’s opening up a little age-wise and area-wise.

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 04.02.21 @ 11:11 am

We get our second shots in a week and a half. I’m going to go see my parents!

Comment by LauraN 04.02.21 @ 8:19 pm

Congratulations – what a relief.
Canada doesn’t manufacture vaccines. The first priority was seniors in long-term care, since that group suffered terribly in spring 2020.
Our province Ontario has been so slow. But finally the city of Toronto and the hospitals are expanding to many high priority groups younger than 60+. Pharmacies can vaccinate those 55+. The campaign really just becoming more widespread next week – but the second shots are currently scheduled in 3 months.
We have a long way to go yet.
I really will not run out of yarn no matter how long we need to just stay home …
Keep well!
Love the flower photos!

Comment by Lisa RR 04.04.21 @ 7:04 am

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