Well that’s a youthenism
Wednesday March 24th 2021, 7:08 pm
Filed under: Knit,Life

There’s a new anti-viral drug that was already being studied when covid-19 came on the scene. They’re not done with the Level III studies, but so far it reduces covid viral levels to undetectable, it seems safe, and it can be taken as a pill rather than through a needle. Go Emory scientists!

There’s a silk cowl that just needs blocking now.

And at this 1919 house, where they forgot to put in the stairs (pic #3) if your sense of balance doesn’t know which way up is you’re going to have a heck of a time knocking on the door.

Note the bicycle wheels in the next picture. And the listing description: “Green energy. Construction elements: recycle materials.” I think we have a new creative euphemism.

And then we have a nice tall house in the hills that someone walked away from before it was finished, and someone’s hoping that for a huge sum of money someone else will want to take it on and finish those extra touches like railings on three floors of overlook decks way way way above the ground.

The twelve year old graying plastic wrap still on that new tub just makes it. They need this place for a movie set. Just as it is. I’m sure they do.

Any Hitchcocks needing a remake?

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What is with the ceiling of the front porch on the 1919 house?

Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 03.25.21 @ 8:30 pm

And the ‘heights’ get me on the second one. Boy, talk about a ‘fixer upper’. lol

Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 03.25.21 @ 8:34 pm

Helen, made me look–repurposed period panel doors, complete with doorknobs–unique, anyway. I hadn’t registered fully. Odd but maybe a bit of whimsy in the flesh? Maybe just odd.

Comment by Marian 03.25.21 @ 9:31 pm

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