(With the weekly apricot progress picture.)
Some had flowers in their gardens too good to only keep to themselves.
Some offered to bake. And it’s always more fun, not to mention safer calorie-wise, to bake for others.
And so we had a drive-through Relief Society party (ie for the women’s organization) at the church parking lot. You stop your car–sometimes it was a line–you say from a safe distance your preference of type of cupcake, everybody with masks on, or whether you’d prefer flowers to calories; one person brings your choice to you (if a cupcake) in a little box with a heart at the top so it won’t smush all over the inside of your car or make you have to hold it while you’re trying to drive, several people at social distances away from each other are bringing more to other cars and nobody breathes on anybody.
So-and-so pulled in to park and could you move just a bit so they can get out. Sure.
We could actually some of see each other’s faces for real for the first time in over a year and we did chat a bit from there; not too long, more are coming, we let them have their turns.
Man, did that feel good.
The response to the original query was such that not only did I get a chocolate cupcake with chocolate ganache and cream cheese layered in the filling, I was offered to take a random one home to Richard along with a blue hydrangea stem.
His turned out to be vanilla. With sprinkles. Which made me laugh. Our kids memorably swooned over sprinkles on a cake someone brought us when they were, well, kids.
All the leftover cupcakes were going to end up on the one family’s doorstep if we didn’t rescue them. No! It’s okay! Him, too! Take one!
After tasting mine, I understood the danger. Man, that was good.
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We had a drive-by baby shower over the winter…the expectant dad and grandpa sat out bundled up by the sidewalk and offered hot chocolate, the expectant grandma (1st grandbaby) and mom brought frosted sugar cookies to your window as they took your gift with a big thank you. I actually walked over because it was just around the corner, but honks and big balloons and waves were kind of fun.
Comment by Marian 03.21.21 @ 9:56 pmLeave a comment
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