If anyone’s considering putting in quartz countertops–and I would say the majority of kitchens I’ve seen that were clearly remodeled towards putting the house on the market have them–you might want to read NPR’s report on them first. Now that the industry knows their workers’ lungs are getting silicosis, they’re still not doing enough to protect them.
Granite is far safer to work with (and personally I think it’s prettier), and if you get a dark one (scroll down to the bottom for details–I’ve linked to that site before, it’s a good one) if it’s truly all granite you likely will never have to refinish it because it will never absorb a thing.
Meantime, in political news, the ever-loud-and-angry Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene decried our giving foreign aid to undeserving countries like, y’know, Guam!
The representative from Guam decided to gift her with some Guam Chamorro Chip cookies as a warm welcome to the new Representative, and the governor is sending her a history of the territory. All done with island charm, it sounds like.
So you know that means I had to go run look up what a chamorro chip was. Made from some exotic dried fruit or something?
Apparently it’s mini-chips. Of the chocolate, shall we say, persuasion.
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I wonder if Chamorro is the native word for chocolate … or something similar.
Shows how uninformed some of our politicians are, when they can’t even recognize an overseas territory. Maybe they should have history and geography lessons for all the new senators
and representatives.
My dad had a business trip to Guam when I was in college.
Comment by Anne 03.13.21 @ 1:53 amChamorros are the indigenous people of Guam. Our daughter lived there for several years.
Comment by Mary 03.13.21 @ 9:39 amLeave a comment
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