Filed under: Life
For the record: today, March 2, 2021, the new water heater was installed by JohnA at Water Heaters Only with a six year warranty promised on the thing.
I have never been offered a warranty on one before. We hired the people who only do this one thing because they have a good reputation and they get it done for you that day, but this was better than I’d hoped.
The last time one flooded the master closet it was a Saturday when I was off at Stitches West for what turned out to be the last day my minivan was still running.
This time I was the one who had to deal with all the googling and the calling and the emptying and the cleaning.
The carpeting got ripped out that time and a new floor put in there. We may need a do-over.
There was a pan under the tank and a spigot and it was supposed to empty outside, and it did but there was way more water than it could handle. There is now a wider taller beautiful much more functional pan, not smashed in on the side by the guy putting the heater in over it this time, our beautiful new water heater, and (shout it from the rooftops) it does not have a thermocouple! The part that broke every two years!
The guy on the phone had asked me to read off the model number and when I did, went, Oh, that’s an old one!
(Yeah, it was an old model when we got it that the other guy must have gotten a very good deal on at closeout but we had no way to know that at the time.)
It is amazing how much stops when you don’t have hot water. Yes, Texas, I know, but still.
It is amazing how cold a tub can still be in the morning after three large pots’ worth of hot water off the stove gets dumped in with the chilly stuff when there wasn’t even that much of the chilly stuff.
It is mind boggling how much stuff was in that closet that reached the floor, how much water it soaked up into the clothes that didn’t, how many loads of laundry had to be done (nonstop the whole blinking day), how many things had to be aired out and dried. And oops that hanger with the paper across the bottom is still wet.
I was almost too tired to knit, but I even got a little bit of that done at a moment when I had to just stop right there and put my feet up while the washer washed. One lace motif done. Yay.
So I measured and yes my apricot seedling hit 6″ today. Grow tree grow!
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I seem to recall the last mishap with the water heater. But not sure how far back that was? One of the nice things about a basement is that the water heater is close to the floor drain. (At least ours is).
Glad things are sorted and you worked through the clean up.
Go tree! Grow tree!
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