When we were little kids playing hide and seek, didn’t we all secretly wish we had a trapdoor? Although, this one has a certain Cask of Amontillado feel to it, doesn’t it? Is that really a telescoping stairwell? Hey up there! Don’t move that dresser!
Personally, I’d just as soon build in the walls of the whole actual ground floor and not leave the house hanging waiting for the ending of the first story, but that’s just me.
I’ve been wondering what a good little Mormon would do with a wine cellar in a house–I mean, to my eyes, it begs for a yarn store impression with a skein stuffed in each slot, and think of all the designs you could make with the colors of your stash before you even knit it, but then how would you mothproof them?
I do really like that greenhouse, though.
How about the latest peach flowers at my nice peaceful house instead. Where, while doing the dishes, I had a sudden pang of missing how one daughter could call from the other room, That was a small Corelle plate.
Or, That was a bowl.
She could identify each piece by sound when they fell. Practice makes perfect.
3 Comments so far
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There are some really lovely bits to that house which make me want to live there. There are some bits that beg for fixing.
I have one idea about what a good little Mormon would do with a wine cellar. She would rent the space to a non-Mormon with wine and no storage. Sure, it could be a little awkward negotiating access but that’s just a technical issue.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 03.27.21 @ 7:57 amThanks for the peach flower photo!
Just gorgeous!
I thought yarn too, since it was on your post…just need some kind of forcefield in the doorway. Or could someone buy it, dismantle and move it out? Since your library isn’t full of scrolls, wrong century by orders of magnitude. And I think the trapdoor is grand. There are trapdoors and pull-down steps for attics, why not go the other way for your storage?
Comment by Marian 03.27.21 @ 10:23 pmLeave a comment
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