The closer we get to being vaccinated, the harder it feels to wait. I’m trying not to be antsy.
We had a great time Facetiming with the northern grandkids today–but Lillian wanted us to BE there, not just be pictures that interacted with her.
With you all the way, baby girl, with you all the way.
The state is allocating doses by county and has decided that ours having had the best compliance and the fewest cases and deaths with ample resources to deal with the illness means we’ll be the last to get the vaccine.
Which feels a little like punishing the well-behaved, but on the other hand there are so many people whose circumstances put them in so much more need than us. We can simply stay home and wait a little longer.
We’ve proved that.
But I do not blame the friend younger than I who drove into the next county and got his first shot. I so get that.
5 Comments so far
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I get you…seems like it’s taking an eternity. And it’s hard sometimes to get in touch with gratitude that we have had the luxury of staying safe at home without all of the risks others HAVE to expose themselves to. We got ours, finally, and can soon be with our grands again, and I try to remember to say thanks every day to all of those who made it possible. Patience…
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 03.08.21 @ 7:41 amIt feels like an eternity here for me. MIL got done in February at the long term care home. Hubby was done in January as an “essential care giver” to his mum.
I however don’t meet the age and Heath guidelines at the moment. Could be July for me.
Le sigh.
It feels like it’s going to be a long time before my age group comes up; I’m so glad my mother got hers, but waiting is so hard. A year feels like a lifetime. We just have to hang in there.
Comment by ccr in MA 03.08.21 @ 6:52 pmWe’re lucky, both in the ‘special’ group by age. Hubby has had both of his and I get my second next Monday at noon. I suspect I had COVID back at Christmas but it might just have been the flu. Stood in line forever to get the first shots. Were mentally prepared to do that for his second and for whatever reason the line was really short and we were in and out in reasonable time. Good thing as we were still in the grip of the artic weather. At least they got people under cover out of the cold quickly. I’ll keep you in my thoughts. And I can’t believe we in Oklahoma are ahead of you as far as shots go.
Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 03.08.21 @ 9:04 pmI am so mad at our Health Dept. They have put me off since I called for an appointment in January and are now opening up to the 3rd and 4th priority group and I am in the second priority group and still waiting–supposed to get it March 25 unless they run out. LOL
Comment by Sharon Stanger 03.09.21 @ 9:31 pmLeave a comment
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