Anya check-in
Sunday March 28th 2021, 10:45 pm
Filed under: Garden

Saturday’s picture. Middle pot on the right, we’ve got a root but no stem yet. The green in the lower left has doubled today.

Apricots don’t like their roots sitting around soaked, and they’re starting to show out the bottom, so I need to figure out the best medium for the next stage of planting. Do I put them in something they’d have to be moved out of later in the growing season, something small enough that I could deal with when my back is being antsy, or do I protect the roots by putting them in something larger that they’ll stay in for a good year or two at least?

The fabric pots are great for getting a plant to create a strong root system because they’re constantly being air-tipped when they reach the edges and creating new side roots in response.

But the roots do grow through the bottom, which would be hard to extract them from, so you’d want to go bigger rather than smaller. Or use something more solid. Even if that makes it harder to chase the moving sunlight or to move them away from the wild rabbit’s reach at night.

Or I could just stop overthinking it, plunk them in whatever and tell’em good luck. Don’t forget the eggshell pieces around the stems to thwart the snails.

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They’re looking great!

Comment by ccr in MA 03.29.21 @ 6:26 am

Oh they are doing wonderfully well! I don’t know if it applies to fruit trees but I have always heard that you don’t move anything up to a too-large pot. The roots get “lost” if they have too much space. But that could be just house plants. Good luck choosing a plan.

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 03.29.21 @ 1:59 pm

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