Ellen was wondering how best to plant her newly-arrived Anya apricot kernels at the very moment I was scrolling through my phone, got distracted, and butt-dialed her. She FaceTimed right back and we both had a good laugh. The answer is, I don’t know what the precise depth one should plant those is but I do know I had to tear the top of the Root Riot to get a kernel in–they’re latex and peat moss if I remember right, kind of an odd combination–so I didn’t put mine in very deep, afraid they would have a hard time fighting their way out.
As they swelled to sprout the kernels kind of worked their way upwards slightly and the seedlings have the split-open sides angling upwards from the surface like flower petals.
And it worked just fine.
Plant and root both will be growing from the pointy end of the seed.
3 Comments so far
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Thank you! I got mine, but haven’t been able to plant them yet… hopefully soon.
Comment by KC 03.09.21 @ 12:35 pmLeave a comment
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