Home sweet –whoops!
Tuesday February 23rd 2021, 10:37 pm
Filed under: Life

Houses again.

Tell me: how is this up to code? You take something out of the dishwasher, you step towards the table to set it, and you’re falling backwards down the stairs.The condition of the wall down there implies you wouldn’t be the first.

Or picture #30 in this one, because don’t we all need space in the garage of our 1.84M house for an almost-new supersized backhoe? With room left over for your tools, bicycles, and a leather couch!

And now! Drumroll. For when your inner unicorn needs its sparkle polished. This one. Michelle calls it a cross between an office and a YMCA. I noted the Ikea-imitating bed in the 7.77M house, the only sign that the thing actually has the bedrooms it says it does.

That figurine knife holder seems to be auditioning for Shakespeare’s, “Et tu, Brute?” line. While the fat chicken smirks.

We debated whether picture 16 was a bathroom or an elevator. Maybe both?

I can’t help but notice that the property tax is estimated at $7260/month and the rental value at $1802/month. I’m just not sure that that works out.

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So, the backhoe house looks like it used to be a fire station. Or, perhaps it was designed like one.

The unicorn house … all those people watching you! I vote for elevator. I don’t know too many US bathrooms with buttons on the outside. (-:

Comment by Anne 02.24.21 @ 1:32 am

That first one, I would be dead within the first month! I know some people (most people) are more coordinated than I am, but how is that open drop ever a good idea?

Comment by ccr in MA 02.24.21 @ 11:56 am

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