Bring on the supersoaker
Tuesday February 16th 2021, 11:52 pm
Filed under: Garden

Signs of summer Alphonsos to come.

I seem to have interrupted a bird that thought that tree a great place to set up a nest–which has never happened before, and I had wondered if they didn’t like the smell of the latex in the sap or something? Or more likely that of the Sunbubble. The squirrels didn’t, so far anyway, which makes it all the better a place for a baby bird to be hidden away in. A cat or a hawk would have a hard time harassing them and our songbirds need all such spaces they can get.

The third apricot cotyledon uncurved its head today and stretched out its new leaves as if to proclaim, Tadaah! Tomorrow the fourth will finish emerging from its seed.

I put them out under the awning during the day for a little extra sunlight. Not too much yet. Just enough.

The desert cottontail put in the first appearance all winter. Rats. I’d hoped it was gone. My baby trees are going to have to be kept up high for awhile.

2 Comments so far
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Keep on growing, garden!

Comment by ccr in MA 02.17.21 @ 7:06 am

How wonderful to see and hear about your garden. We have a ton of snow here. So no garden for a while yet.
Hurrah for greenery!

Comment by Chris S in Canada 02.17.21 @ 11:13 am

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