I heard back from my doctor’s office: whether I had covid in February or not is irrelevant in terms of my susceptibility to getting it again (I had told them I didn’t want to take the place of someone who needed it if I didn’t; they said, but you do) and so with my medical history I am in tier 1c and should receive my vaccine in a few weeks.
Very glad I checked.
The Washington Post was reporting on hospitals in southern California, where they’ve been far less compliant with public health protocols than the much stricter and earlier-onset ones we’ve been on, and they are now running out of oxygen to give patients and even the in-home concentrators like my dad was on before he died in Oct ’19 are in short supply.
If only the current administration were actually doing a decent job of rolling out the vaccine. (Today’s disclosure: rich donors were able to buy their way in in Florida.)
To which someone out there responded in the comments:
“Train Amazon drivers to give the vaccines. Everyone would be vaccinated by Saturday, Wednesday if you have Prime.”
3 Comments so far
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I’m glad you’ll get your vaccine earlier! I am hopeful that in two weeks, the rollout will really kick into gear nationwide. It’s shameful how slowly it’s going so far.
Comment by ccr in MA 01.06.21 @ 8:10 amAs an essential caregiver to his mum, my big guy got his first vaccine shot on New Year’s Day. We are thankful even though it all came too late for my sister.
I am hoping to get in line for the next round of shots because of my age and the big guys health issues. I will not step in front of essential workers or the elderly but will wait my turn and keep my fingers crossed.
Amazon delivery sounds like it might work.
Check the Washington news – idiots are storming barricades. Good grief!
Comment by Chris S in Canada 01.06.21 @ 1:31 pmWoot!! Glad to hear you are in line for the vaccine, and yes – unless you have been ill with COVID recently you should get the vaccine (and even then it is only recommended to wait until symptoms have resolved, 90 days at most). I am currently going through training to administer COVID-19 vaccine when we can give it at the clinic level. And, surprise, surprise, got notified on Monday that I was eligible to get vaccinated. I hopped right on it and have had dose 1, with dose 2 scheduled for later this month. I will still be taking all due precautions but I will breathe a sigh of relief when I have had that second dose as it is one more layer of protection.
Comment by wildknits 01.07.21 @ 7:54 pmLeave a comment
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