We might not be able to fly there right now, but today we got to see Lillian in that very brief stage of toddlerhood where she gets what this talking thing is, she wants to, badly, and she’s putting her all into it.
If you ask her a question and the answer is yes she nods her head so hard her nose points to the ceiling, then the floor, in slow motion as she watches you to make sure she got that right and that she has your full attention, and then she does it again.
We nodded our heads.
She nodded hers, so happy.
She picked up a book. We said, “Book!” Her eyes got big: we knew about those, too? She wanted us to read it but didn’t get that we couldn’t through the screen while she wandered, but she liked that word and she tried it again and again, pursing her lips as far out as they could go to make the sound and really leaning forward along with them but didn’t lose her balance. OOoo. (There may have been a b and a k in there too but I didn’t hear them.)
When her brother cried briefly she ran over to him, wanting to make it all better–and it helped. He wasn’t feeling well, but a hug from his mommy helped, too.
I was trying to come up with good questions to ask a three year old going on four come April to help out, too, and came up with, “What’s your favorite color?”
He told us green: because when it’s green again outside it makes everybody happy.
It just staggered me. How did he already know this?
(Update1/11: Turns out he’d heard his daddy talking about back in Alaska, where Mathias was born. A color that makes people happy? What better could you ask for?)
3 Comments so far
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They watch our every move, and pick up on every mood! Kids ARE amazing!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 01.11.21 @ 8:12 amThank heavens we have babes around to pull our minds away from current events of the nation and focus on current events of the growing mind.
Comment by twinsetellen 01.11.21 @ 6:14 pmLeave a comment
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