Come on, Georgia, we’re counting on you. The whole country will be celebrating with you! And then we can get these vaccinations off the ground.
I was wondering when what tier would go next so I looked it up and was gobsmacked at how few doses there were out there right now.
My state says check with your county. My county says check with your provider’s system. My provider’s system says check with Public Health over at the county. The bottom line: they ain’t got’em and there’s no system and there’s no plan.
In two weeks there will start to be one, if we have the votes in place to make the government govern. Go Georgia!
Meantime, we do have some doses being held for an unspecified other county that doesn’t have the equipment to accept them. So, what, are they going to life-flight them to Monterey to beat the clock on the hours they can be out of the fridge?
I do wonder, though, why the run-off is being held after the new Congress is sworn in: because what that does is make the winners the least-senior members of the Senate. That used to matter in terms of what committee assignments you got to have.
My grandfather was there from 1950-1974 and when he retired, he resigned I forget if it was a day early or a week early so that his successor could have first choice over all the other incoming freshmen and a quicker trajectory towards potential future chairmanships.
It caused a bit of a stir.
Would that today’s Republicans looked for such harmlessness in their loopholes.
2 Comments so far
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Too bad nothing can be done to remove the current occupant of 1600 before he has a chance to do more damage. Why are people so afraid to do the right thing?
Comment by Anne 01.04.21 @ 11:53 pmI’m almost as nervous as I was in November. If they can just get Mitch out of power!
Comment by ccr in MA 01.05.21 @ 8:17 amLeave a comment
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