One big snowball
Wednesday November 25th 2020, 10:39 pm
Filed under: Life

Not sure everyone can get past the paywall, so I’m sharing his story here.

My cousin who’s a reporter in Salt Lake City pointed out her co-worker’s story: his mom had found his childhood bank over the weekend. Spongebob Squarepants no less. Did he want it? Enticement: (to get it out of her house I’m sure) there were seventy bucks in there, plus random small things that interest small boys. Childhood memories and all that.

Meantime, he had a can he threw random change into, and sure, he was curious to know how much all that would add up to.

It wasn’t money he’d needed or planned on and there were plenty of people out there who could definitely use it right now so he decided to invite his readers via Twitter to let him know if they knew or were someone in need. No need to be outed publicly, send a direct message if you’d rather.

You could have seen this coming, but he didn’t: one of the first responses was someone wanting to add $150 to his $165. And then someone else wanted to. And someone else. He kept answering with !!!!!!!!! because he felt speechless.

Over $49k in 24 hours. All these people wanting to help other people but not knowing where best to do so but figuring he, working for the newspaper, either would or he certainly could find out. All this desire to help.

And there will be food on tables and warmth in homes for it.

4 Comments so far
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How absolutely wonderful. I believe strongly that most people want to do good things, but sometimes aren’t sure how to go about it. What a wonderful way to help people (albeit unintentionally!!!) do a very, very good thing.

Comment by Pegi F 11.26.20 @ 4:20 am

That’s amazing! What a heartwarming story.

Comment by ccr in MA 11.26.20 @ 9:26 am

That’s the kind of snowball I like! That is simply good news about good people in a time when we sorely need it. Blessings on all those who donated.

Comment by Chris S in Canada 11.26.20 @ 10:48 am

I have made it a practice to toss change into a jar or can–whatever is handy the day after Christmas. However much it amounts to used to be a surprise but now I am close to one of those change-taking machines that gives back “real money”,, so I can tell. The cash goes to my Bishop–he knows better than I do, where it needs to go.

Comment by Sharon Stanger 11.28.20 @ 4:37 pm

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