Let me Monopolize your time for a moment here
Monday November 23rd 2020, 11:15 pm
Filed under: Life

So Monopoly was actually invented by a woman in the late 1800s who was trying to teach Americans why having a very rich 1% owning and running everything was a bad idea.

There were lots of knock-offs, including the classic version we’re all familiar with that a man invented a story for and sold to Parker Bros.

Lizzie Magie got them to pay her $500 for the patent on her “Landlord’s Game” the same year. He got very rich and famous. She did not, but at least she got something.

In case you’re looking for ideas this time of year, you can buy a National Parks version from the National Park Service to help them fund their operations, sorely needed these past four years.

Although I would guess that things are probably starting to look up for them right now.

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My grandfather had a patent stolen from him. It was for printing ink that would dry. Nothing ever came of it. The guy at least had the courtesy to list my grandfather as a recipient of any royalties.

From Lizzie Magie to Pleasant Rowland … how times have changed! (Sort of.)

Comment by Anne 11.24.20 @ 2:22 am

To avoid confusion, Pleasant Rowland created American Girl.

Comment by Anne 11.24.20 @ 2:24 am

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