Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday November 26th 2020, 11:50 pm
Filed under: Family,Food

We talked to my Mom, we FaceTimed with the kids and grandkids, grateful for technology and each other and warm homes and jobs and food and for the times to come when we’ll be able to celebrate in person. We made a mess. We took everything out of the racks for baking pans above the double oven trying to find the cord for the thermometer for the turkey and put it all back together more organized and only then did he remember that he’d put three cords to three such thermometers organized in a ziplock that last year he’d carefully put…


Never did find that, but he did find the one that came with the oven and that was better because it turned the oven off and screeched when the thing was done. You want your turkey loud like that.

I just walked back into the kitchen proud of how clean it all looks now at the end of the day.

And spotted that one last pan at the back, hand wash only, that somehow I had just completely missed.

Okay, well, that’s easily taken care of.

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Happy Thanksgiving! Not much clean-up for us, and total cook time was 35 min. Stuffed fake turkey breast, green beans, mashed potatoes. Followed an hour later by Apple turnovers and ice cream. It was a Netflix and gaming day.

Comment by Anne 11.27.20 @ 12:23 am

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! We had a peaceful day; not the typical Thanksgiving, but not bad, all things considered.

Comment by ccr in MA 11.27.20 @ 9:53 am

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