Filed under: Knit
I was surprised how small 64 stitches of Malabrigo Rios came out–I had some doubts whether I could even turn it into a baby hat, even if nephew Benjamin’s a preemie. It’s dense and it’s warm–but it’s shaped kind of weird.
But I liked it, so I grabbed the innards of the yarn cake and cast on more stitches to attach, since you build up the rows and then go back down to the bottom and work your back up again in sections. Make it wider, make it useful.
Cast on, purl a row knit a row leave it ready for the oncoming picking-up-the-stitches.
I did it just exactly how it said and exactly how it had been begun.
When it was time to go past the picked-up stitches onto the new section I had a red row too many for it.
I spent about half an hour walking myself through every step of what it said and what I’d done and what it had, wishing fiercely for another knitter’s eyes on the thing. It made NO sense. Finally there was nothing for it but to rip out the excess row. So I did that. I then re-connected and started the next shell and ran a row of the red across the new part and back, etc etc. Following the directions exactly.
And there is still one row of red too many.
I’m stumped. Knitting does not usually stump me but I have no idea where the problem came in.
But at least in my frustration I find I knitted it tighter than the original so that the length of redness actually looks the same, and as the bottom border it curls up against the i-cord anyway so who could tell? I’m leaving it.
But what went wrong (?!!!). I don’t get it and it bugs me that I have no idea.
And in between that last sentence just now and this one I think maybe I finally, finally do: I must have accidentally skipped rows 1 and 2 those other times. That’s the only thing that makes sense.
Well then. Carry on.
4 Comments so far
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Have you checked for errata? See if others on Ravelry have mentioned an issue.
Comment by Anne 11.15.20 @ 12:38 amYou are a far braver woman than I. The pattern is simply beautiful however I will likely never attempt it because my concentration would simply nit be enough.
Careful- there be dragons!
Comment by Chris S in Canada 11.15.20 @ 8:51 amDarn autocorrect! *not* be enough. (le sigh)
Comment by Chris S in Canada 11.15.20 @ 8:53 amI remember the time when I went over and over a pattern that was not going right, trying to figure out what on earth I had done. And that’s when I learned to check for errata, because it turned out the mistake was not mine!
Comment by ccr+in+MA 11.15.20 @ 10:53 amLeave a comment
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