Well today was busy wasn’t it
Friday October 02nd 2020, 8:40 pm
Filed under: History,Politics

You’ve probably already heard that Trump’s at Walter Reed Hospital with Covid-19. Per CNN, he has an underlying heart condition,along with his weight and age. Melania tested positive.

Hope Hicks was on Air Force One three times this week with him and tested positive after being symptomatic just before Trump decided he was going to meet with 100 donors anyway. Because money. And seeing people who still supported him.

He is not capable of supporting them back by intuiting that it would not be good to risk making them sick. Even his own Secret Service agents have complained that he’s no longer having them tested after they work his rallies.

Kellyanne Conway has tested positive. So has Ronna McDaniel, head of the RNC.

Republican Senators Thom Tillis and Mike Lee, and John Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, were in the Rose Garden Supreme Court nomination ceremony last Saturday where people were maskless and seated close together, and now they have it. (Nominee Barrett’s been there done that.)

Lee started having symptoms but still attended a Judiciary Committee meeting this week, as usual without a mask, before bothering to go and get tested–which means that that’s about to get interesting. McConnell was there.

There will surely be more names in DC tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

Everybody who attended the debate Tuesday agreed to wear masks and the Trump family walked in wearing them–and then all took them off. When offered masks, because, y’know, they’d specifically agreed to this and besides it’s basic human decency in a pandemic, they refused. They were not escorted out in front of the cameras but they should have been, and after today’s news maybe they would be.

The virus doesn’t go by political parties but Trump’s been working hard on that.

I wish them all well, I really do (or in a few cases I’m really trying to at least.)

One wag said that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had argued her first case before G_d and won.

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It’s Karma or ‘herd selection’ or survival of the fittest (in this case using the brain God gave you and the doctors who ACTUALLY KNOW STUFF). I think the Republicans are going to have severely thinned their numbers before voting gets here.

Comment by Helen Mathey-Horn 10.02.20 @ 9:22 pm

It is indeed hard to maintain a Christian attitude in this situation. The proper attitude, to me, is to pray not for the man, but for the President.

I fear that if the experimental treatment works wee, he will maintain the attitude that is just like the flu.

Comment by Anne 10.02.20 @ 11:33 pm

I’m not a religious person, as you know, but I do send hopes into the universe at times. This time, I’ve sorted through many hopes that have, if I’m honest, vigorously entered my heart at times and come up with this:
I hope the whole lot of them have experiences profound enough to enlighten their spirits with compassion and wisdom. Some individuals will, undoubtedly, require a much more profound experience, and that is what I hope they have. No less, no more.

Comment by twinsetellen 10.03.20 @ 3:23 pm

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