The River fire
Saturday August 22nd 2020, 10:33 pm
Filed under: Food,History,Life

Photo by, as far as I can tell, Iris Brewster, because she credits the photographers in her other pictures. It does embiggen if you want to see better.

Mom? I still don’t like brussel sprouts. I’m sorry. I’ve tried, I know you’ve tried, I’ve olive-oiled and roasted and reminded myself they’re healthy and all that, but they still are what they are.  It helps that I’m married to someone who doesn’t like them even more than I don’t like them. Except at least they’re better at your house because you’re a far better cook.

But some came in our weekly produce bag last Saturday. I put them off for most of the week, which surely didn’t improve their flavor any, but there is no room in our fridge for more than one gigantic Milk Pail box’s worth so I finally roasted them last night and they stank up the house so bad it still lingered in the morning. I even ate one. Richard hoped I wouldn’t ask him to. The rest are in the fridge, all ready for us to magically change our minds and be thrilled and devour them after a bit of a zap.

But this is why my conscience could not simply throw them out without trying and at least tasting them. That’s the sun up there and a fire behind that ridge. Click to really see.

And yet still they feed us. 

6 Comments so far
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I pile on a sauce and the roasted Brussels sprouts go away faster. Some ideas include: any kind of good salad dressing or marinade, a balsamic glaze, soy sauce, tomato sauce, etc. We have some in our freezer from last year. I will also throw a few in when I am making soup. Good luck. This year I conquered eating beets, and I am trying hard to eat or use everything that comes in the veggie share. It is not a time to waste anything!

Comment by Joanne 08.23.20 @ 6:23 am

Try them cold, with salad dressing. Or warm with cheese sauce. 39 years ago, my husband told me he didn’t like broccoli and cauliflower. His sister served them with cheese sauce and he ate seconds! “You didn’t say with cheese sauce.”

Comment by DebbieR 08.23.20 @ 9:09 am

Stick them in your freezer and find someone who wants them. There should be someone. (Too bad we’re too far away.) And it’s okay that you don’t like them.

Comment by Marian 08.23.20 @ 10:21 am

That photo says so much.

I’m with you on the sprouts; not my favorite veggie. But with the farm share, you;re right to try to use it all.

Comment by ccr in MA 08.23.20 @ 11:39 am

I love sprouts but it’s ok if you don’t. Ask around at church. Betcha somebody will take them next time.

That photo is surreal. Frightening really.

How is Andy’s- or shouldn’t I ask?
Chris S

Comment by Chris S in Canada 08.23.20 @ 3:46 pm

That photo says more about the mean-spiritedness of the anti-immigrant stance than a dozen essays. I don’t know if any of the folks in that picture are undocumented, but I bet many are immigrants, and I am sure that these people, breathing dangerous air while picking the food that will feed our nation, deserve our deepest respect.

Comment by twinsetellen 08.23.20 @ 6:29 pm

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