Wednesday August 12th 2020, 10:24 pm
Filed under: Friends,Life

After checking ahead, some friends stopped by after dinner. I pulled three chairs out of the kitchen and we set them up under the elm tree and visited outside, socially distanced and masked, the weather perfect with just the right breeze ruffling the many small leaves bowing down towards us.

Man did it feel good.

I hope we all treasure each other and our time together after this is all over as much as we do right now.

And I can only wonder if all my friends of normal hearing are learning more keenly how to read eyes for their expressions, to be more attuned to the emotions of those they’re in conversations with coming out of this?

Because with the masks on, everybody is visually as deaf as me. And a little muffled. One has to pay attention.

As these two ever have anyway, I’m just idly wondering.

I sent them home with two each of Andy’s perfect peaches.

4 Comments so far
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Sounds like a fun night. I miss being able to give people hugs.

Comment by Anne 08.13.20 @ 1:03 am

I so agree with you: the eyes say so much!

I suppose this could be a silver lining in this experience, huh?

I’m glad you were able to spend time with your friends.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.13.20 @ 6:29 am

How very nice! Talking on the phone or even on video chats just isn’t the same.

Comment by ccr in MA 08.13.20 @ 9:52 am

Sounds like you had the perfect evening weather for an outdoor visit. I have been porch visiting a great friend every Saturday for the last 3 months or so. We are so grateful to see each other!

I hope this brings a forever change to how we care for each other.
Chris S

Comment by Chris S in Canada 08.13.20 @ 9:53 am

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