That’s still around? He hasn’t used that in…huh, long enough that the seam of the can had started to rust. Wonder why he didn’t just toss it–maybe confusion over whether spray cans can be recycled or not. It’s empty, right?
Well, no, it wasn’t, and that’s why that bit of hefting felt so surprising. The little squirt in the same motion to make sure that it was exploded the stuff outwards like elementary school kids out the door at the sound of the recess bell pre-Covid.
Holy cow.
I was suddenly reliving the moment years ago when the trash men had dropped a small bottle of fabric paint out of the garbage can onto my driveway, my car hit it, and it exploded bright red paint droplets across the front of my house. My holly bush was suddenly female with berries. At least this wasn’t paint.
That shaving cream REEKED.
That’s why he hadn’t used it. And now the wall stank, and the floor, and several skirts in my closet, and that shirt? It was time for it to go to Goodwill anyway, that’s as good a reason as any. (I washed it.) My hands. Dang.
It was bad, man, it was bad, so bad that I was afraid our food would taste of it even though I washed my hands repeatedly before cooking dinner. I couldn’t get away from it.
And then I found more blue splurts of the stuff.
Some manufacturer thought that smell would bring on the girls, the fine restaurants, cool cars and the good life?
You know there were no women in that boardroom.
Into the trash. Thankfully, these days they have us put the cans out to the curb ourselves.
1 Comment so far
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Snorting laughter, cannot breath! I am glad we can’t share the repellant stench. I hope the air clears in your house soon.
Comment by Susan 08.15.20 @ 12:09 amLeave a comment
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