Filed under: Life
I’m not sure if this is a request for you all to tell me it’s hopeless and to stop or whether that last one might have had any effect.
She parrots far-right talking points that don’t stand up to logic nor good sense and that even Fox has started to back away from. No you don’t build up carbon dioxide from wearing masks and wearing one won’t make you pass out.
I’ve never heard of a surgeon fainting on the job, I said. (Much less every single one every single day, you’d think word would get out, right?)
But I do not want her nor her family to be injured nor die of Covid, which she seems to have dismissed at this point as mostly a far-left conspiracy. It can’t happen to them, is the subtext again and again and again. If she pronounces it loudly and publicly and often enough it has to be true.
It is wearying and worrying but at the same time I don’t want her to try to prove herself right by giving her anything from me to be defiant against.
I do not know how to help.
Masks are useless, the CDC said they were unnecessary, people are dupes for wearing them. (Translation: people will see me and ridicule me.)
Never mind what the CDC is saying now about how important they are. Much less the attempt by a Trump appointee in the earlier pronouncement to save them for medical personnel because the Administration had totally bollixed up the supply inventory–it was a face-saving, jaw-dropping falsehood to anyone with any experience with compromised immunity and they backed away from it later.
A new day, a new post. She railed against them yet again.
Sometimes you have to distill it to its essence and you have to make it personal and relatable.
I answered simply this: Would you rather be coughed on by someone who’s wearing a mask or someone who isn’t?
8 Comments so far
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Some people need to be “loved from a distance”. I had to stop following a friend on FB because almost all she posts is from Fox and similar sources. The frustration wasn’t healthy for me, and there was no way I wanted to engage in any fight with her.
Comment by Anne 06.15.20 @ 2:27 amSomehow I ended up at the districts graduation drive by. None of the teachers were wearing masks. I wore mine and stared them down. Don’t know if it helped but I had to think of the kids. I left before they came but maybe the masks came out?
Sometimes you have to do the right thing.
Comment by Afton 06.15.20 @ 3:41 amI too have had to stop following long time friends because of their wild theories. I’m thinking of my own health and BP.
As an aside, we started outdoors family meetings these past two weeks at the Al building where I live. Because of severe pollen allergies I’ve always hibernated, not now. The mask works great at keeping the pollen at bay. Now I’m thinking of swim goggles.?
Comment by Barbara 06.15.20 @ 4:47 amI too have had to stop following long time friends because of their wild theories. I’m thinking of my own health and BP.
As an aside, we started outdoors family meetings these past two weeks at the Al building where I live. Because of severe pollen allergies I’ve always hibernated, not now. The mask works great at keeping the pollen at bay. Now I’m thinking of swim goggles.?
Comment by Barbara 06.15.20 @ 4:48 amSave your sanity…perhaps it’s time to “let go and let G*d”?
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 06.15.20 @ 8:20 amA study aboard an infected navy ship showed that the sailors who wore masks consistently had a 70% better avoidance rate. Mom
Comment by Mom 06.15.20 @ 8:40 amI think perhaps your course of action might be determined by what (and how much) this person means to you.
Of course you don’t want them to contract the virus but you are not responsible for their health decisions, only your own.
If they want to visit you then your choice is clear – say no as gently but firmly as you can.
Perhaps just not reading their posts or comments and thereby not feeling the anxiety and the urge to “convert” will help you.
Difficult times, difficult people, difficult decisions. Good luck.
Chris S
A cousin (when this all started) reminded me of the line in the book/story “Masque of the Red Death” (Masque here is a ball) where a group of people flee the death by locking themselves in a castle to ‘party’ and everyone sighs a breath of relief. “And then someone coughed.” And of course they had not fled death. She’s okay until, ‘someone coughs”.
Comment by Helen 06.15.20 @ 12:02 pmLeave a comment
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