Loaf-flying chopper
Wednesday June 03rd 2020, 10:18 pm
Filed under: Family,Food,Life

My last two KitchenAid mixers did this, too: as they got old, the on-off switch stopped being reliable. You could turn the darn thing off and it would simply keep going till it ran out of steam.

I found this out with the first one years ago when I had my hand down in the bowl and it must have been just enough movement that it toggled itself on and gave my wrist a compression fracture.

This one, as always a 5 qt size because at the time that was the biggest home-kitchen one they made (and because at this point I have all these extra bowls for that size), has been at that stage for about a year now. But it still runs, and it still turns off, if reluctantly, and I can always unplug it if need be. Haven’t needed to yet. I’ve been thinking for awhile now how replacing it would be a lot of yarn money.

I am typing this carefully. It was the top of the dough hook this time below my thumb. I knew better, that’s the thing, it was sheer stupidity on my part.

I figure if it’s broken I’ll know for sure tomorrow because it will hurt more then, but right now we’re on 8:30 pm curfew for ten days, Urgent Care is closed, and the ER is just not where anybody wants to be during a pandemic even if they’re separating suspected covid cases at triage, which they are. And I seem to be able to manage.

When Richard said by way of comforting that he really enjoyed that sourdough, it helped. A lot.


Edited to add in the morning: the pain is not more localized and it’s not sharper so it’s likely just bruising. Carry on!

5 Comments so far
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Oh no! Ouch! I’m so sorry. And so hoping it doesn’t hurt more tomorrow. Keep icing and resting it.

Comment by DebbieR 06.03.20 @ 10:45 pm

Oh honey. I’m so sorry.

Comment by Afton 06.04.20 @ 12:07 am

Ow! That is a painful way to (re)learn a lesson. I hope it’s not broken.

Comment by ccr in MA 06.04.20 @ 6:23 am

So, a friend of mine lost past of her finger (almost to the second knuckle) in a KitchenAid accident. Mine is *always* unplugged when my hand is involved! Also when not in use, just because it is easy to bump the switch by accident.
Have you checked with a small repair shop to see if you can get it fixed? I had to have a plastic gear replaced on mine a few years back and they repacked the grease bearings, cleaned out some jick, and stuff. It ran like new, making me realize that it had been slowing down and getting noisier over time. The repair guy told me that they really should have their bearing repacked every five to ten years, based on how much and for what you use it. A switch is probably a lot cheaper than a new one, and as I often say, “It never hurts to ask, and the worst they can say is ‘No’.”
Good luck, and I’m glad it is better today!

Comment by Barbara 06.04.20 @ 9:35 am

Oh! Ow! I have not had that problem with mine however now I know to watch or listen for it.
Goodness me – please be careful or I’ll have to send that bubble wrap I promised a few years back. Would put a serious cramp in your baking!
Chris S

Comment by Chris S in Canada 06.04.20 @ 5:45 pm

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