We wore masks, we socially distanced, we stayed outside and only to say goodbye did she have her kids stand in the doorway for us to see each other and wave hi-‘bye. I hadn’t seen them in two years, but even the then-toddler still knew full well that I was her old buddy and she made my day.
Jennifer had invited me to come see her housewarming present in full production mode. She’s done a great job with it.
I got sent home with a goodly number of apricots and now I need to figure out the best way to save some for when the season is over.
2 Comments so far
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Cut them up and freeze? Or apricot preserves/jam?
Bake in cake and freeze? Dry/dehydrate and coat with homemade chocolate? (Or dice and add to bars of chocolate.)
That’s great! You love to see the results of such a gift thriving.
Comment by ccr in MA 07.01.20 @ 6:33 amLeave a comment
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