At loggerheads with it
Friday June 05th 2020, 9:06 pm
Filed under: Knit

I bought a sea tortoise pattern–actually a loggerhead turtle, I think, though not labeled as such–on Ravelry the other day.

Except it’s upright and I wanted mine sideways, and since knitting stitches aren’t squares on charts but rectangles I couldn’t just tilt it; I had to use their picture to try my own sketches on knitting graph paper, but at least it gave me something to work from. Also, I’m trying to shrink it down by about a third, so, following their zig zag lines but adapting where they should go.

Why did that first try bother me so bad.

It suddenly hit me.

It looked like a tick.

Sing it with me: You put the Lyme in the coconut and knit it all up you put the Lyme in the coconut (husk color).  (Who knew the Muppets did that one?!)

…Let’s fix the head on that thing, shall we? Enough of the tick talk.

Meantime, I just have to point out this crocheted aquarium I just stumbled across. Wow. Just, wow.

2 Comments so far
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Hahaha! Tick talk…that’s funny! That aquarium is amazing! And your blanket is amazing also!

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 06.06.20 @ 7:00 am

It just ticks me off when turtles look like…

Comment by twinsetellen 06.06.20 @ 4:58 pm

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