What my Anya apricot seedlings get to be when they grow up! When they’re not about three inches tall.
This Blenheim was a housewarming present, before I’d even heard of Anyas, and every year Jennifer sends me a picture to show me how it’s coming along. (Looking at the date on that old post–wow, this is only its third year.)
“So many apricots,” the email said. She asked for ideas on using them all up and I sent her my two favorite fruit cobbler recipes; her kids are going to love all the extra desserts.
She does indeed have sourdough starter and I told her we’d finished off that recipe tonight and were quite sorry to have it all be gone.
2 Comments so far
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I don’t know how the tree stays up under the weight of that fruit! Wow.
Comment by ccr in MA 06.11.20 @ 5:53 amJam. I love apricot jam. And, if one is feeling overwhelmed at the moment, wash and halve and put all the apricots, put them in freezer bags, and revisit it later. If you feel the need to go farther, chop the apricots into chunks, measure for the amount you want in the recipe (cobbler or jam) and freeze in those amounts. I made apricot jam in early spring this year, from apricots I froze last year! This also works great if you only get a few ripe ones a day, freeze as they ripen so nothing goes off and you accumulate fruit in the freezer.
Also? Dehydrated apricots are very nice snacks later on…
Comment by Joanne 06.11.20 @ 12:20 pmLeave a comment
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