In Kansas, there was no violence nor looting. The people holding up the sign demanding End Police Brutality–were the cops.
In Santa Cruz over the mountains from here there was a peaceful demonstration that stayed peaceful. The chief of police, with no riot gear and no back up, met with the protestors and took a knee right along with them.
Meantime, my friend Catherine offered rhubarb from her garden and asked only that it actually be used. So I got it home and a few hours later teased her about my strawberry celery pie.
Note to self: mixing the flour/sugar mixture with the fruit and letting it soak in for awhile and then stirring again before putting it in the crust was absolutely the way to go. Never again just pop it straight in the oven.
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Oh that looks delicious! I have a tiny patch of rhubarb in my yard. I don’t know many who do anymore. Mostly those who were, like me, raised in the country.
I make rhubarb punch every June for our choir party. No party this year but this has given me an idea for a party “delivery” to each choir member.
Thanks for the spark!
Chris S
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